19 September 2009

Just around the Corner

Sunset picture. This field is just around the corner from my house.
Fall is Just around the corner. I miss Summer already.

16 September 2009


This leaf was just waiting for me to take a picture of him.

I like the colors.

He obeys the signs!



This is my favorite.

City Park

I love the City Park Rose Garden!


Instead of my "Senior Pictures"...which I need to do, I took their "Freshman Pictures". For Free.

Friends at the Fountain

13 September 2009


This is my desktop background at the moment.

He kept jumping onto my camera.

Ok, I was wrong. This is not an amphibian. It's a lizard with scales, so that makes it a Reptile. He's living in our garage, and I'm ok with that.


The fam. 2009.

On the porch one Sunday Afternoon.

Kiva and the Scriptures

This was on our way to Yellowstone

Parker at age 5


Jacob at a youth movie night, I thought it was a neat angle.

Parker again, age 5


Mom and I took a Trip to Idaho to tour the Campus of BYU Idaho. While we were there, we decided to take a visit to Yellowstone National Park and visit places around Rexburg. I loved the Campus and the State too!

Idaho Falls Temple

This was just too perfect to walk away from without taking a picture.

Flowers on the Temple Grounds. They are so pretty!

This pool was my favorite. So many colors!

These are the ripples from the previous picture.

Old Faithful!

7:12 pm

Trees by Old Faithful

On the Airplane home

I love looking out the windows of Airplanes, but it sometimes makes me sick...

12 September 2009


The pman just turned 5 on August 15th. We celebrated by playing at Gymnastics Plus with lots of friends. He's such a sweetie.
Happy Birthday Parker!
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